Croquet Team Challenge

Looking for a fun, outdoor activity that’s fun, engaging and brings the team together? Welcome to our Croquet Team Challenge!
Croquet is not only a blast, but also super easy to learn and anyone can do it. And unlike a round of Golf that can take three or four hours, Croquet can be played out in about 25 minutes, so it moves faster.
They say that a lot of business is done on the Golf Course. While that may be true, what if you don’t play golf? That’s where Croquet comes in PLUS it offers a great mental exercise for entrepreneurs: risk versus reward, long-term strategy and real-time adjustments and corrections.
At the start of the event, our Croquet pro will explain the basics of the game and because not everyone will be familiar with the rules, players typically start out on the same level, which makes for a great Team building Activity. The pace is easy, and the emphasis is on fun, learning to work together and healthy competition with First Place medals awarded to the winning team.
What’s included?
- All mallets, balls and game materials are provided.
- Each game can have up to 6 players.
- A Photo slide show link from the event will be emailed following the event.
- Hotel lawn or park is an ideal locale.